Affiliate Programs

  • The biggest misconception course creators have about affiliate programs

    Today I’m jumping straight into the biggest misconception people have about affiliate programs:

    “My business isn’t big enough to work with affiliates yet!”

    My friend, that’s simply not true!

    You don’t have to reach a certain level before you start working with affiliates.

    In fact, I believe there’s just two things you need to have in place in order to be successful with affiliate programs:

    1. A Digital product or online course that you know you can sell.
    2. A solid affiliate program set up

    Let’s discuss number one first:

    1. A Digital product or online course that you know you can sell.

    The reason you need to have sold your own products/courses first is so you can ensure that there is actually a need for it.  You don’t want to have affiliates promoting something that isn’t going to sell. This will be a disappointment to you, and a waste of time for your affiliates when all you are hearing is crickets.  

    Once you know that people are buying your product or online course, you are in a great position to work with affiliates.

  • Coaches + Course Creators: Top 5 Reasons to Automate Your Business With Ontraport

    If you are a coach or course creator who is wondering what email marketing platform you should be using in your business, I want you to consider Ontraport.  

    Below I’m listing out the top 5 reasons you should use Ontraport to automate your coaching business. I hope you’ll check out Ontraport as a serious option to consider starting with or switching too!

    1. Your entire business is all in one centralized place!

    With Ontraport, everything from your weekly newsletter to your sales funnels to your landing pages and affiliate stats are right inside of Ontraport and everything is seamlessly connected.  

    Even if you are just starting out and not making a lot of money as a coach or course creator yet, with Ontraport your account can grow with you as your business grows. (See more about their different account levels here).  By starting out with Ontraport from the early stages of your business, you don’t have to worry about moving over to a bigger platform in the future because everything will have been in there from day 1.

    What’s also nice about Ontraport is that because everything is in one place, you don’t have to have additional tools (more on that below).
