• 2 ways to make a little extra moolah this week

    While normally I talk about setting up your own affiliate program so that others can promote your products for you, this week I want to switch gears temporarily.

    What I share in this post will still help you make money, so keep reading.

    Earlier this year I announced The Affiliate Program Directory, which is a list of affiliate programs you can join today!

    It is designed to connect affiliates with amazing brands offering various products and resources your audience will enjoy, and that you can earn commissions by promoting!

    If you are looking for great products to share with your audience, the Affiliate Program Directory is for you!  

    It contains a mix of physical products, services and digital products that you can begin promoting today to make extra income.

    👉 Check out the Directory here.

    (Want your affiliate program featured in the Directory? You can sign up here.)

    Wondering how you could make a little extra money as someone’s affiliate?

    Check out a little extra moolah.

    A little extra moolah is something I’ve created to show my fellow online entrepreneurs exactly how I earn a little extra money each month in my business through affiliate marketing, and how you can do the same.

    This isn’t a course on how to make thousands of dollars every month sharing your affiliate links online while you sip mojitos on the beach in Miami…

    This is a simple PDF of me sharing the realistic behind-the-scenes of how I, as an online course creator and digital product seller, make an extra $200-$500 a month through simple, repeatable, easy to implement affiliate marketing strategies.

    💸👉 Scoop up a litte extra moolah here.

    I hope you have a great week, and that you’ll consider becoming someone’s affiliate this week!

  • 20 Ways to Get More Traffic to Your Online Shop

    Below is a list of 20 ways to get more traffic – aka potential customers – visiting your online shop.  

    My favorites are ideas 1, 3, 5, 12 and 19 – they would be the fastest ideas to implement from the list if you are wanting to make more sales asap.  

    I sprinkled in some resources that align with some of the ideas below, too. They are my affiliate links but as always I only recommend resources I personally love and use.

    Okay, let’s hop into the list….

    🚦 20 ways to get more traffic to your online shop 🚦 

    1. Run paid Social Media Ads 📲 – Use Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest ads to target your ideal customers and direct them to your website.  I highly recommend Jana Bishop’s Facebook ads course.
    2. Start a Blog 📝 – Share helpful tips, stories, and product insights to boost SEO for your website.  If you’re worried you won’t have enough ideas, check out Lucy’s Endless Content Ideas Bank.
    3. Collaborate with Influencers 💁‍♀️ – Partner with influencers who align with your products to promote your products.  Influencers in the 5k to 25k followers range seem to be the sweet spot with my clients – they are often willing to promote in exchange for free product and a commission without requiring large fees.
    4. Start an Affiliate Program 🤝 – Reward people with commissions for promoting your products and driving traffic to your site.  Get started here.
    5. Offer Time-Sensitive Discounts ⏳ – Run flash sales or limited-time offers to create urgency.
    6. Create Eye-Catching Pinterest Pins 📌 – Pin your products, blogs, and gift guides on Pinterest to boost visibility. 
    7. Start an Email Newsletter 📧 – Build an email list and share regular updates, promotions, and product launches.
    8. Go Live on Social Media 🎥 – Host live product demos, Q&As, or behind-the-scenes IG lives to engage your audience and get them curious about what you are offering.
    9. Optimize Your Website for SEO 🔍 – Make sure your product titles, descriptions, and images are SEO-friendly to improve search rankings.  This isn’t a “get traffic quick” strategy but definitely something you should be doing for long-term growth.
    10. Run a Referral Program 💬 – Give customers rewards for referring friends to your Shopify store. 
    11. Use TikTok Trends 🎶 – Jump on TikTok trends to showcase your products in a fun, engaging way.
    12. Host a Giveaway 🎁 – Collaborate with other brands or influencers for a giveaway to expand your reach.
    13. Collaborate on a Bundle 📦 – Partner with another brand to create a special bundle and promote it to both audiences.  One of my favorite brands, Wondermint Goods, does a great job of partnering with others brands.
    14. Leverage User-Generated Content 📸 – Share reviews, testimonials, and customer photos on your website and social channels, and tag the creators if you can so their audiences see it, too.
    15. Write Guest Blog Posts ✍️ – Partner with other websites to write guest posts and link back to your Shopify store.  For example, if you sell stationary, you might write a blog post for coaches on the power of sending thank you cards to your clients. Or you could write a blog post on how best to address Christmas cards.
    16. Start a YouTube Channel 🎬 – Create tutorials, unboxings, or product reviews to attract new customers.
    17. Run Google Ads 💻 – Use Google Ads to show your products at the top of relevant search results.
    18. Partner with Local Businesses 🏙️ – Collaborate with local stores to promote your products to their customers.  If you sell physical products, this is also a really great way to start building relationships so you can get more wholesale orders for your products. (Side note: Cat with Kitty Meow Boutique is the wholesale queen.)
    19. Create Seasonal Promotions 🎉 – Align your marketing with seasonal events and holidays to attract new buyers. You might even consider running a Black Friday Sale for a cash-injection in November.
    20.  Engage in Facebook Groups 👥 – Join groups related to your product niche and provide value while subtly sharing your products.

    Hope this helps boost your traffic. Head over here and let me know which ones you’re going to implement next!

  • Why Every Product-Based Business Needs an Affiliate Program

    Ever wonder what it would actually take to get your products in front of hundreds or even thousands of potential customers every single month?

    Maybe you’re already posting on social media but you find it exhausting having to post every day, keep up with the reel trends (very mindful, so demure! 🙄), and hope that the algorithm even shows your posts to people.

    Yes you could run Facebook ads… but phew, that might cost a small fortune trying to DIY it and figure out how to make it work.

    You could work with influencers if you’re selling physical products, but then you have to pay those hefty influencer fees to have your products promoted with no guaranteed return on your investment.

    There are so many dang ways you can market your products, it can be hard to know what to do. 😕

    Ever feel like that?

    If so, you’re not alone. Many product-based business owners and eCommerce brands face the challenge of finding cost-effective ways to grow their audience and increase sales. 

    While yes, you can run Facebook ads and post on social 24/7 and work with influencers…

    But what if instead you could have others promoting your products for you?

    That’s why I’m so passionate about affiliate marketing and why I’m sharing this post with you to explain exactly why you you should leverage the power of partnerships to boost your brand’s visibility and revenue. 

    In this post, we’ll explore why your product-based business needs an affiliate program and how it can transform your marketing efforts.

    🤓 What is an Affiliate Program?

    Let’s start with the basics before I jump into the reasons why your product-based business needs to start an affiliate program. 

    An affiliate program is a marketing strategy where you have other people [your affiliates] promote your products for you and in return, they earn a commission for every sale they drive through their unique referral links. 

    It’s a win-win situation for everyone involved: your affiliates earn money for their efforts, and you gain new customers without the hefty price tag of traditional advertising.

    Imagine you sell handmade jewelry, and a popular fashion blogger becomes an affiliate. They write a blog post featuring your stunning necklaces, including their affiliate link. When their readers purchase your jewelry through that link, both you and the blogger benefit. This is affiliate marketing in action—simple, effective, and scalable.

    💹 Expand Your Reach Without Breaking the Bank

    Having other people sell your digital and physical products also gives you the ability to reach new audiences without the upfront costs typically associated with running ads or paying influencers. Affiliate marketing is based on performance, which means you only pay a commission when an affiliate successfully drives a sale.

    This pay-for-performance model is particularly exciting if you’re a small business owner without a huge marketing budget. It allows you to maximize your marketing efforts while minimizing financial risk. 

    Take, for example, a small skincare brand that launched an affiliate program. By partnering with beauty bloggers and asking their customers to become their affiliate partners, they could quickly reach a broader audience and see an increase in sales—all without spending a dime on ads upfront.

    Leverage the Power of Trust and Authenticity

    I don’t know about you, but my Facebook and IG feeds are filled with ads. What sets affiliate marketing apart is the trust factor. Affiliates, especially those with established audiences, bring a level of credibility and authenticity that traditional marketing efforts simply can’t match.

    Think about it: when you hear about a product from someone you trust—whether it’s a friend, a favorite blogger, or a business colleague —you’re more likely to make a purchase. Your affiliates will act as brand ambassadors, sharing their genuine experiences with your products. This word-of-mouth marketing is incredibly powerful and often leads to higher conversion rates.

    💸 Boost Your Sales and Revenue

    At the end of the day, the goal of any marketing strategy is to drive sales, and affiliate programs help you do just that. By tapping into the networks of your affiliates, you can increase your sales and revenue without having to be on social 24/7 or pay for expensive Facebook ads.

    Affiliates bring pre-existing trust and credibility, which often results in higher conversion rates compared to cold traffic from ads. Plus, as your affiliate program grows, so does your potential for sales. Whether you’re just starting out or looking to scale your business, an affiliate program can be a powerful tool to drive consistent revenue.

    👭 Build Long-Term Relationships

    One of my most favorite parts of starting an affiliate program is the opportunity to build long-term relationships with your affiliate partners. Over time, your affiliates become more than just marketing partners—they become part of your brand’s community. They’re invested in your success because it directly impacts their earnings, creating a mutually beneficial relationship.

    Many businesses I’ve worked with have found that their affiliates become some of their most loyal advocates, continually promoting their products and helping to drive more sales for them every single week!

    If you are a digital or physical product seller, starting an affiliate program could be the missing piece in your marketing strategy puzzle. By expanding your reach, boosting sales, and building authentic relationships with your customers and affiliates, you’re setting your business up for long-term success. 

    If you’re ready to take your product-based business to the next level, there’s no better time to start than now.

    🥳 Ready to get started?

    There are a few ways I can support you!

    🤓 FREE RESOURCE: Sign up for the free 5 day email series for Product Sellers… Create Your Affiliate Program. Each day you’ll get a bite-sized lesson to implement immediately to start creating a profitable affiliate program for your business so your products can start flying off the shelves because other people are selling them for you!

    🛒 DIY Your Affiliate Program Set Up: You can also scoop up The Profitable Affiliate Program Template Bundle. These are the exact templates you need to create a profitable affiliate program so that other people {your affiliate partners!} can market and sell your products for you on a consistent basis! Access the template bundle today.

    📅 LIVE GROUP PROGRAM: I’d love to have you join me inside ✨Make More Together ✨ 4-Week Affiliate Program Intensive for Product Sellers. This high-touch, low cost program walks you through EXACTLY how to set up your money-makin’ affiliate program so that you can sell more products every single week. Make More Together includes 1:on:1 support, 3 live group implementation sessions, templates galore, plus a Facebook community! Enroll in Make More Together here.

  • Favorite Business Resources for Product Sellers [June 2024 Edition]

    June has been a super exciting month for me, personally and professionally. I returned from an amazing trip from Victoria, B.C. with my sweet boyfriend and I officially launched The Affiliate Program Directory {more on that below}.  Today I’m sharing my monthly favorite things blog post with you!

    If you’re new to the Create Your Affiliate Program community – WELCOME! Every month I try to share some of my favorite business and product resources with you as a behind-the-scenes of what I am using and loving in my own business and with the product sellers I work with.

    I hope you’ll enjoy reading through this blog, and will take time to check out all the resources available to you!  Have a great rest of your June. 💙

    Please note this blog post contains a few affiliate links, but I only share products and resources I use, love and can personally recommend!

    🛍️ Favorite Products + Biz Resources

    🤓 Low Ticket Live®️ 2024 is back this year… Check it out here.

    🔮 I recently joined Resell Magic Membership – it makes creating and selling digital products so easy.

    💌 Have you sent your June affiliate newsletter?  Here’s some templates to help you.

    💸 I’m showing you how to create your own affiliate program in my FREE email series – sign up here.

    🥳 The Affiliate Program Directory

    I launched The Affiliate Program Directory this month… You can view all of the programs by clicking here – I encourage you to sign up for the ones that resonate with you!

    My goal with this directory is to help those with affiliate programs get in front of new potential affiliates who will help promote their products to their audiences.  Because more affiliates will equal more sales! 🎉

    If you want more visibility for your business and affiliate program, you can simply head over here to join the Directory today.

    🤓 NEW + Favorite Blog Posts

    ⭐ My Top Takeaways from Ultimate Product Party 2024

    🌴 3 Ways to Get Ahead in Business This Summer

    💰 Behind-the-Scenes: Sharing 3 Tasks that Helped My Client Earn $33k in Product Sales from Affiliates

    🤓 How to Make More Product Sales This Month

    🎥 Favorite Reel

    👀 This reel about what success looks like to me is my second most viewed reel of all time.  It’s also my favorite.

  • 3 Ways to Get Ahead in Business This Summer 😎🌴

    Tomorrow is the first official day of summer, but I honestly feel like summer starts when my nieces and nephew get out of school, which was back in May. So suffice it to say I’ve been in summer mode for a few weeks now!

    One of the things I feel like I’m hearing a lot lately from other entrepreneurs and product sellers is that business can be slower during these summer months.

    And I somewhat agree… things do tend to slow down in the summer in business because people are taking vacations, your kids are out of school, and people are spending their money on snowballs and pool floats {or maybe that’s just me? 😂)

    But you don’t have to just sit around and wait til the fall to get into action in your business.  There are things you can do this summer to set yourself up for an amazing fall.

    Here are three things you can do to set yourself up for success this summer and beyond.

    1. Clean up your business 🧹

    Are there subscriptions you’re not using?  Cancel them. And if you’re like me and worry you’ll disappoint the person who runs that membership you’re in, cancel them anyway.  It’s not personal, it’s business, and I promise they won’t be mad at you.

    Clean off all the files on your computer that you no longer need. And clean off your desktop while you’re at it.  I don’t know why but this always makes things feel so fresh when I open my laptop.

    Bring the junk in your office that you are no longer using to your local thrift store, or sell it on FB marketplace and use the cash to buy something new you might need.  

    Deep clean your office/workspace.  Wipe down everything, including your keyboard.  

    Buy a new scented candle to create a fresh new vibe in your workspace, or a cute new tumbler to sip out of while you work.  

    2. Learn something new 🤓

    If summer is slow, now’s a great time to learn something new in your business.

    Read a business book you previously haven’t had time for while you sit next to the pool.

    Learn how to effectively post on social media so you aren’t wasting time.  I am using and loving Allison Carter’s Hot Content Summer – 8 weeks of social media Reels, posts, and emails DONE for you.  

    Listen to your favorite business podcasts while you get ready in the mornings, or while you’re in the car waiting on the kiddo’s to get out of camp.

    There’s so many little things I think “I’ll do that when I have more time…”.  What if this summer was that time?!

    3. Get your affiliate program in place so you can make more sales this fall 👭

    Having others {affiliates} sell your products for you is a fast way to get your digital and physical products in front of new potential customers who might buy your products.  Use this slower summer time to get your affiliate program set up so that you can head into the fall with an army of people ready to sell your products for you!

    👉 Want to DIY your affiliate program set up? This FREE email series will walk you through the five steps to setting up your affiliate program.  

    👉 Want me to set up your affiliate program for you? I’ve got space for two Affiliate Program VIP Days this summer. You can see the details and book your spot here. {Payment plan available)

    How will you spend this summer in your business? Head over to IG and let me know! In July I’m heading on an Alaskan cruise… my first cruise ever! If you have any cruise tips, let me know that, too!

  • My Top Takeaways from Ultimate Product Party 2024

    In May I headed to Orange County, California to attend the Ultimate Product Party, a 2-day business conference for product sellers. This was my third year to attend, and while it’s a conference geared towards physical product sellers, even as a service based business owner who works with product sellers, I had so many takeaways and aha’s from this event. 

    I thought it would be fun to share some of my favorite moments and takeaways from the conference with you below.  While I won’t highlight all of the speakers and roundtable leaders, I do want to emphasize this: EVERY SINGLE PERSON was amazing. You can see the full list of speakers at ultimateproductparty.com – go follow them all on Instagram!  

    Okay, now let’s dive into a few of my top takeaways!

    Tuesday evening before the event officially kicked off on Wednesday there was a pre-event cocktail party.  The venue location was AMAZING and the appetizers and drinks were tasty. 

    What was especially awesome was getting to connect with some of the attendees before the official first day.  I was able to meet one of my Affiliate Program Intensive students in person – Stacy from The Rad Mama Shop – which was fun.  

    I also connected with Erin from Product Powerhouse and her bestie Shaina who she runs Caffeine + Carbs with. The UPP hosts, Cat and Allison, were also there hugging and mingling and just being the best hosts and leaders ever.  

    Wednesday and Thursday at UPP were packed full of keynote speakers, roundtable sessions, and breakout sessions.

    Here are some of my favorite takeaways from some of the speakers this year at Ultimate Product Party 2024:

    “AI is your intern, not your CEO.”@duo.collective

    Some other things I learned re: AI:  from Duo Collective:  ChatGPT is great for writing social captions.  When writing prompts, always use an action word.  Gemini (Google’s AI software) is great for more research based things and typically cites their sources.

    “Consistency is critical when it comes to growing your business.” – Lucy Kelly @bloombybelmonili  

    Lucy is another client of mine who’s affiliate program I set up, and she is a marketing genius for product sellers and makers.

    “Pin some of your top Instagram content to Pinterest.” – Mel Robbins @thelotco 

    This can be automated via Zapier and is something I’ll be implementing into my business this summer.

    “People need to hear about something 25 times before they buy.” – Monica Little @monicalittlecoaching 

    This blew my mind because it used to be that it was only 7 times… but the world is moving faster than ever before so makes sense.  Monica also did a session on using Etsy ads – if you are a product seller on Etsy, be sure to follow her and check out her resources as what she shared could definitely help you make more sales on Etsy.  

    “We are here to be influential, not influencers.” – Lauren Nelson @iamlaurencnelson 

    “Make a list of 100 leads within your niche and spend time every day connecting with 20 of those leads on Instagram.” – Shannon + Ryan Matson @thesocialbungalow 

    I loved everything Shannon and Ryan had to share about how to connect with others on Instagram.  I think sometimes it can seem like others are just easily growing on the gram, so it was refreshing to hear them share something specific I can be doing weekly to grow.

    “How would your day as a business owner look if you operated from a place of abundance?” – Mary Tappert @marytappertfinancialcoaching

    This was a great journaling prompt shared by Mary during her session.  Definitely something I want to continue to think about and will make time to journal on soon. It’s so easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of being a business owner sometimes, am I right?

    One last thing I want to mention about UPP 2024 is that their hosts, Allison @allisoncartercelebrates and Cat @kittymeowboutique are two of my favorite business owners and mentors.  They genuinely care about every single person who attends UPP, and poured so much into making the event awesome for all of us {as did their amazing team.}  I’m so grateful to know them both and for their support of my business.  

    If you have the chance to attend a future Ultimate Product Party event, DO IT.   If you have the chance to work with Cat and/or Allison, DO IT.  I promise you will be so glad you did!

  • 🍋 Post Malone, Lemon Tumblers + The Affiliate Program Directory

    Today I’m sharing my Favorite Things blog for May. 🔆 Earlier this month I vacationed to Arizona and then onto California to see the Pacific Ocean and then attend Ultimate Product Party which was amazing… I’ll share more in a blog post with you next week!

    Okay, now, back to the reason for today’s blog. If you’re new to the Create Your Affiliate Program community – WELCOME! Every month I try to share some of my favorite business and product resources with you as a behind-the-scenes of what I am using and loving in my own business and with the product sellers I work with.

    I hope you’ll enjoy reading through this email, and will take time to check out all the resources available to you!  Have a very safe and Happy Memorial Day weekend. 💙

    Please note this blog post contains a few affiliate links, but I only share products and resources I use, love and can personally recommend!

    🥳 Favorite Current Work Project

    I launched The Affiliate Program Directory last week.  Before I launched it, I set a goal of how many business owners I’d like to initially join it… I am excited to share that last Friday I surpassed that goal!!  YAY!

    The Affiliate Program Directory is a directory of affiliate programs that I will be sharing out publicly so that we can get your affiliate program in front of new potential affiliates who want to promote your products.

    Here’s what you’re getting when you join the Directory:

    🤓 Your affiliate program will be listed in the Create Your Affiliate Program (CYAP) Directory available at creatyouraffiliateprogram.com

    💌  The Directory is shared every week on CYAP socials and in the CYAP newsletter to 3500+ people

    ⚡ CYAP will spotlight 10 affiliates per month on CYAP socials, in a blog post, and in the CYAP newsletter {you will have the option to sign up to be spotlighted.}

    🎁 BONUS: Empower Your Affiliates: 10 Proven Strategies to Get Your Affiliates to Promote Your Products Every Single Month {value $47}

    📆 The Directory is launching June 10th! It’s $39 to be listed in the Directory and promoted to my community for the entire year.

    My goal with this directory is to help your affiliate program get in front of new potential affiliates who will help promote your products to their audiences.

    More affiliates will equal more sales! 

    This Directory is a perfect fit for physical and digital product sellers.  

    If you want more visibility for your business and affiliate program, you can simply head over here to secure your spot for only $39 FOR AN ENTIRE YEAR until June 10th.

    🤓 Favorite Blog Posts

    Behind-the-Scenes: Sharing My Top 3 Reels, Templates + Events

     Staying Legally Compliant in Affiliate Marketing: A Guide for Product Sellers – guest blog by Amber with The Boutique Lawyer

     Behind-the-Scenes: Sharing 3 Tasks that Helped My Client Earn $33k in Product Sales from Affiliates
     How to Make More Product Sales This Month

    🛍️ Favorite Products

    🍋 I met Shannon of CraftyCurations at Ultimate Product Party.  She was so sweet and I *love* her cute tumblers in her Etsy shop.  I just ordered this lemon tumbler this morning… Check out here shop here {and use code INSTA25 to save 25% off your order.  She said I could share this code with you – see, so sweet!!}

    ☕ If you haven’t sent a newsletter to your affiliates for May, now is the time to do that.  These Affiliate Newsletter Templates are designed to make it easy for you to know exactly what to say to your affiliates every single month to encourage your affiliates to promote for you and help them drive conversions!

    💌 Want to improve your email marketing?  Social platforms may come and go but your email list stays with you. If you’re able to invest 10 minutes a week in taking bitesized actions you can improve your email marketing significantly.  Check out The Email Experiment™ here which will help you.

    🎥 Favorite Reel

    👀 I made a reel featuring Post Malone.  It’s one of my most viewed reels of all time.

  • Behind-the-Scenes: Sharing My Top 3 Reels, Templates + Events

    Today I thought it would be fun to give you a behind-the-scenes look into my business by sharing my “Top 3” in different areas of my business.

    My Top 3 Reels on Instagram

    Reel #1 – This reel was a trend I jumped on and I was convinced I was going viral… but then the views stopped. 😂

    Reel #2 – I have a feeling using a Taylor Swift song on her album release day is why this reel got so many views. 😊

    Reel #3 – Having a cute dog in your reel never hurts, imo. 🐩

    Top 3 Events I’m Excited about in 2024

    Event #1:  I’m beyond thrilled to attend and be speaking at the Product Powerhouse Summit! This summit is THE go-to summit for handmade makers, shop owners and any one who sells physical products. It’s 3 days dedicated to helping you build, grow, & thrive in your online product business.

    Event #2:  I’m headed to Arizona on May 4th for a little exploring in Scottsdale before driving over to California to attend Ultimate Product Party.  This is such a fun and helpful conference for product sellers who want to learn how to scale!

    Event #3: I really, really want to go to the Powerhouse Women event in August.  I’ll just be getting back from a cruise ten days before, so not sure it’s a great time for me to leave out of town again, but I am considering attending.  I plan to make a decision by June!  Are you going?

    Top 3 Templates I Use Every Week

    Template #1:  For my private affiliate management clients, I use this pitch template every single week when pitching potential affiliate partners for them.

    Template #2: I’m working on a few sales pages for myself, and I constantly refer back to this sales page template from Launch In Style.

    Template #3: Danielle Canty’s 100 Email Subject line list (also I just realized this isn’t a template, per se, but I do reference it every single week!).  Get on her email list here and sign up for it the next time she shares it.

    Top 3 Must-Haves for Starting an Affiliate Program for Your Product Business

    There are 3 things you’ll want to have in place when starting your affiliate program:

    🛠 Affiliate Tracking Software
    📝 Affiliate Program Terms and Conditions
    💌 Welcome Sequence for Onboarding Your Affiliates

    See the exact tools and resources I recommend here. 😊

    That’s it for today… If you enjoyed this blog post, comment here and let me know one of your own top 3 from the categories above!

    *This blog post contains a few affiliate links, but as always, I only share things I personally recommend, use and love!

  • Favorite Business Resources for Product Sellers [March 2024 Edition]

    I’m thrilled to share my Favorite Things blog for March with my product seller friends.🌷 Before I do though, here’s a pic of the cake I made for my sweet boyfriend’s family… Jason’s 8 year old nephew called it “the best cake he’s ever had.”  He’s officially my favorite nephew. 😂

    Okay, now, back to the reason for today’s blog. If you’re new to the Create Your Affiliate Program community – WELCOME! Every month I try to share some of my favorite business resources with you as a behind-the-scenes of what I am using and loving in my own business and with clients.

    I hope you’ll enjoy reading through this post, and will take time to check out all the resources available to you!  Have a very Happy Easter!

    PS: Please note this email contains affiliate links, but I only share products and resources I use, love and can personally recommend!

    🥳 Business Tools, Events + Blog Posts I’m Loving

    A few recent blog posts you might’ve missed:

    🤓 How to Make More Product Sales This Month

    🏛️ Staying Legally Compliant in Affiliate Marketing: A Guide for Product Sellers – guest blog by Amber with The Boutique Lawyer

    💰 Behind-the-Scenes: Sharing 3 Tasks that Helped My Client Earn $33k in Product Sales from Affiliates in January

    ✈️ I booked my flights for Ultimate Product Party 2024, which is happening in California this May 8th & 9th. If you sell physical products, you’ll want to make plans to attend.  I have a friend who can no longer make the event and is selling her ticket for a super low fee. If you are interested in going, let me know and I’ll connect you with her via Instagram!

    ☕ Our next Product Sellers’ Coffee Chat is happening on Tuesday, April 2nd: 10,000 New Visitors: How to Increase Website Traffic to Your Online Store by Working with Affiliate Partners. Bring your favorite coffee and join this virtual coffee chat on how to increase your website traffic so that you can make more product sales every single month!  And yes, I’ll show you how my clients are getting 10,000 new visitors to their online shops every single month. Save your spot here – it’s free to join.

    If you haven’t sent a newsletter to your affiliates this month, now is the time to do that.  These Affiliate Newsletter Templates are designed to make it easy for you to know exactly what to say to your affiliates every single month to encourage your affiliates to promote for you and help them drive conversions!

    One of my favorite things I’ve ever created: a little extra moolah – 3 simple ways I use affiliate marketing in my business to earn a little extra moolah every single month.

    💕 Products I’m Loving & What I’m Buying Next

    I love good skincare products, and this body butter from little buddha is heaven.

    I ordered these cute earrings from A Tiny Bit of Joy – they are being delivered today and I am so excited!

    There are two things I want to purchase, but am holding off until I have more time in my calendar in June: this Gif template pack and this Digital Product Starter Spreadsheet Template pack, which includes 15 different layouts you can use to design your own spreadsheet to sell. 

    They are both very inexpensive, but I know if I buy them now I won’t use them now, so I prefer to make purchases when I actually have the time to implement on them. {I was not always like this, as my digital library full of purchases I’ve never used will tell you. 😶)

    What are some of your favorite products this month? Share with me in the comments!

    The Profitable Affiliate Program Template Bundle

    To help you get your welcome emails for your affiliate program in place quickly so that your affiliates feel supported and part of a total win-win collaboration (one where you’re both making impact and money!), I’ve put together The Profitable Affiliate Program Template Bundle that will give you everything you need to set up your affiliate welcome sequence.

  • How to Make More Product Sales This Month

    I’d love to help you make more product sales this month, so I’m sharing with you a few tips and resources in this post that I hope will get you into action this month so you can increase your product sales!

    Are you up for the challenge?  Keep reading!

    📝 Draft 10 Pitches to Send Potential Affiliate Partners

    I challenge you to research 10 potential affiliates this month and send them an email asking them to be your affiliate partner.

    Some people you pitch might say no, but none of them can say YES if you don’t pitch them at all. 😊

    If you need some support writing your pitches, I’ve got a template that will help you. You can scoop it up here for just $9.

    I promise it’s going to make pitching your affiliates so much easier, so get to crafting those pitches asap!

    Invitation to Send Potential Affiliates Template

    One of the quickest and most efficient ways to grow your list, promote your services and products, and make more sales is to partner with affiliates to help spread the word about what you’re offering.  The Invitation to Send Potential Affiliates Template is the exact template you need for pitching new affiliate partners!

    📅 When to Send Your Pitches to Potential Affiliates

    Now, let’s talk about when to actually send your pitches to potential affiliates.

    I am the affiliate manager for 4 nationwide brands here in the US, and one of the things I do for each of them every single week is pitch new affiliates on their behalf.  I use this same template when pitching – that’s how I know it works!

    I recommend sending your pitches on Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursdays only.  

    Why?  Because on Monday people are coming back to their desks and their inboxes are full from the weekend and they are thinking about everything they have to do that week.  

    On Fridays, people are busy thinking about the weekend and just trying to clear their inboxes and wrap up their work week as quickly as possible, so they may not take the time to read your pitch and give it their full consideration.

    Tuesday – Thursdays, in my own experiencing of pitching 100’s of affiliates, is more ideal timing, and the days of the week my pitches are more likely to be well received.

    🤓 What to do once a potential affiliate says YES

    The #1 mistake I see people who have an affiliate program make is that they are just giving their affiliates an affiliate link and hoping they’ll share it with their communities.

    As you might have heard me say before, hope is not a very good affiliate marketing strategy.

    Instead of hoping your affiliates share about your offering with their audience once they say yes to partnering with you, you need to set your affiliates up for success.  

    How do you do that?

    💌 Create a welcome email sequence for your affiliates!

    This welcome sequence is a series of emails you send your affiliates to make sure they have and can find everything they need to share about your products with their community.

    {Remember: The big key to success with affiliates is making it easy-peasy for them!}

    Here’s three main reasons you need this welcome series:

    1️⃣ Set the Tone: Introduce your brand, share your values, and align expectations right from the start. This sets the stage for a profitable affiliate partnership.

    2️⃣ Equip your affiliates: In this welcome series, you want to provide your affiliate partners with the knowledge and tools they need to succeed. Share tips, tutorials, and promotional materials to jumpstart their efforts.

    3️⃣ Build Relationships: Use this welcome email series as an opportunity to connect on a personal level. Show appreciation, offer support, and foster a sense of community within your affiliate program.

    🌟 Resource to Help You

    To help you get your welcome emails for your affiliate program in place quickly so that your affiliates feel supported and part of a total win-win collaboration (one where you’re both making impact and money!), I’ve put together The Profitable Affiliate Program Template Bundle that will give you everything you need to set up your affiliate welcome sequence.

    > > > Use coupon code YAY50 to get the templates for 50% Off!

    The Profitable Affiliate Program Template Bundle

    To help you get your welcome emails for your affiliate program in place quickly so that your affiliates feel supported and part of a total win-win collaboration (one where you’re both making impact and money!), I’ve put together The Profitable Affiliate Program Template Bundle that will give you everything you need to set up your affiliate welcome sequence.