Affiliate Programs

  • My Top 5 Favorite Launch Resources ? for Online Course Creators & Product Sellers

    Are you launching in Q3 or Q4 this year? If so, keep reading, because in today’s blog post, I thought it could be fun to share some behind-the-scenes info on the launch resources I use to make launching easy-peasy for myself, in case you too are looking for some awesome resources to use in your business.  

    Keep reading to find out what my must-use templates and resources are:

    For Writing my Sales Page: ? Sales Page in a Day Template

    This is what I used to write my own sales page copy for Make More Together. It made it sooooo easy and I cannot recommend this template highly enough!

    For Writing my Launch Copy: ? Effortless Content Ideas

    Writing launch copy for my social media posts can be so time consuming, so I LOVE this mini-training that gave me an effortless way to find 10+ social media content ideas from a single blog post I’ve already written.

  • [Resource] ? The Business Finance Tracker

    Budgets… My favorite thing to talk about.

    NOT. ?

    Maybe you are like me and don’t love it, but here’s the thing… being clear on your finances in your business is important.  

    So, if you’ve been avoiding putting things on (virtual) paper when it comes to keeping track of your money, I’ve got a resource to share for you.

    Enter: The Business Finance Tracker, from my colleague and friend Becky Moffit of The Organized CEO. In just one Google Sheet, you can have all of the finance info you would ever need at your fingertips, including:

    • Financial Goals
    • Quarterly Dashboard
    • Monthly Breakdown
    • Recurring Expenses
    • Expense Summary

    And if all of that sounds super overwhelming to you right now, let me add that Becky has also created and added a video walkthrough of all of these pages with simple anyone-can-get-this instructions. You don’t have to enter a bunch of hieroglyphic equations or go take a class to figure this out. 

    The tracker is $47 and available HERE.

    And once you download it, the first thing you can put on your expense tracker is the incredible {and super low cost!} investment you made for the tracker!

    I know this tracker will help you – it’s what I have been using for a while now and I can’t recommend it highly enough!!

    *** Please note this blog post contains affiliate links but I only recommend things I know, love or use myself. 🙂

  • 3 Reasons You Need to Make Working with Affiliates a Priority in 2023

    I have to confess: I’m excited to get back into a routine this week after taking time off over the holidays.  While I spent a lot of time the past few weeks resting and recovering from being sick, as well as enjoying the Christmas holidays, I also spent time getting clear on what my goals are for this year.  

    One of those goals is to share more valuable content with you, and I’m excited to kick off with today’s post, and to share an invitation with you at the end to a free training I’m hosting this month! Let’s dive in!

    3 Reasons You Need to Make Working with Affiliates a Priority in 2023

    Reason #1:  It’s a SIMPLE and FAST Way to Grow Your Audience!

    When it comes to selling your products or launching your course, what do you need?  An audience to sell to!  But trying to grow that audience on your own can be super daunting… Reels, IG posts, FB ads, daily pinning, trying to figure out TikTok.  It can start to feel like… a lot.

    When you work with affiliate partners, it doesn’t have to be that complicated to grow your audience. You provide your affiliate partners with a link to your free or paid offer to promote, as well as the promo materials, and then they do the actual work of promoting you and your business and sending new leads and customers your way.  [More on this here.]

    Reason #2: It’s Cost-Effective {Especially if You’re Just Getting Started!}

    When you work with affiliate partners, you aren’t having to pay them until after they’ve made a sale for you.  So, you don’t need a big budget like you would need if you were running paid ads, and this is especially good if you are just getting started with selling your courses or products in the online space.

    Here’s an example to show you what I mean: 

    If you spend $500 on Facebook ads, and your course costs $500, you have to make at least 1 sale to just break even.

    But say you offer your affiliates a 20% commission for promoting your $500 course. You only need to make 1 sale in order to make a profit.  1 sales = $400 in profit for you, and $100 paid to your affiliates. 

  • Product Sellers: 3 Tips to Increase Sales by Working with Affiliates

    Not that long ago, I read on Shopify’s website that one in four shoppers who were new to brands bought through affiliate links. And while I am not surprised by this fact, I am surprised by how many product sellers I know who aren’t currently working with affiliates to sell more!

    If you sell digital or physical products, this blog post is for you.  Below, I’m sharing 3 tips for product sellers to sell more products by working with affiliates!

    Tip #1: Turn Your Existing Customers into Your Affiliates

    Once you’ve set up your affiliate program, I encourage you to invite all of your existing customers/clients to become your affiliates.  

    Why is this a good idea?  Because they are the people who can authentically share about your product with others who may need or want it!

    Another way to think about it:

    If you have 20 customers, and they each referred just 1 person to your product who purchased… BOOM! 20 new customers. Your sales essentially doubled! 🙂  

    So, before you pitch others to be your affiliates, make sure you start with your existing customers!

    Tip #2: Make It Personal When Choosing Others Affiliate Partners

    In my upcoming workshop I mentioned above, I’ll be sharing in-depth about who else, besides your past customers, make the best affiliate partners {you’ll even leave knowing exactly who you want to pitch!}.  But here’s a little tip if you are thinking about who to partner with now:  Make it personal… and be choosy!

    When you are researching who would make dream affiliate partners, choose people who you genuinely like, and who you support their business and would be proud to have promote your products.  

  • Recommended Tool of the Month: Tapfiliate

    One of the questions I get asked the most in my work here at Create Your Affiliate Program is this:

    What affiliate tracking software do you recommend?

    My first response is always: Check the tools you are already using!

    If you are a course creator or membership creator, you might be using a course platform (like Teachable, Kajabi or Membervault) that already has affiliate tracking capabilities.

    You can also check your payment processors, such as ThriveCart or SendOwl, which also have affiliate tracking capabilities.

    No need to spend additional money on an affiliate tracking software when you might already have access to one.

    But, if you don’t have an affiliate tracking software and are looking for a recommendation, I’ve got one to share with you today:


    Tapfiliate is a tool I’ve been using with clients more and more over the past year as part of my VIP Days, and I am really liking how seamless it is as a tracking platform.

    Start your 14 day Free Trial Today!

    Here’s what I love about it:

    You can very easily onboard your affiliates, and give them everything they need to promote your business, by using their branded affiliate dashboard.

  • How to Get More People to Join Your Online Membership: Two Scenarios

    How can I get more people to join my online membership?

    If you have a membership, you might have asked yourself this question… many times in facts.

    As online business owners, I think a lot of us think we need to be running fb ads in order to be ‘successful’.

    But running fb ads in 2019 is a lotttt different than running fb ads in 2022 – they aren’t as reliable as they used to be.

    I want to share with you a very powerful example of why I recommend starting with Affiliates to promote your membership *before* you run facebook ads to it!

    Scenario A: Promoting Your Membership with Facebook Ads 

    Let’s say you have an ads budget of $500 that you want to use to grow your membership.

    You create ads that send sign ups to your opt in, then send those people through your sales funnel to enroll them into your membership.

    Let’s say your ads are converting at $2 per opt in. 

    Based on this math, it’s likely you will get 250 people to sign up through your ad and go through your sales funnel.

    Let’s be generous and say your sales funnel is converting 5% of the people who go through your sales funnel.

    250 people x .05 conversion rate = 12.5 sign ups  

    $1,212.50 in income

    Facebook Ads Budget = $500.

    Profit you are left with: $712.50

    If your membership is $97 a month, you need roughly 5 sign ups to enroll in your membership just to break even on your ads budget.

    The other 7 sign ups account for actual revenue.  #yay

    Is this doable? Absolutely! 

    But when you are first starting your membership, you might not have $500+ to invest in Facebook ads {or it might feel super risky to do that when the results aren’t guaranteed!}

    Or you might have a membership that can’t be marketed with ads for whatever reason (such as weight loss memberships or s_x love and relationship coaching memberships) and so FB ads aren’t even something you can set up if you wanted to.

    So I also want to show you what the data looks like if you work with affiliates to send people through your funnel instead of running Facebook ads.

    Scenario B: Promoting Your Membership by Working with Affiliates

    Let’s say you have 3 people who want to be affiliates for you, and you’ve offered them a 20% one-time commission as your affiliate.

    Let’s also say those 3 affiliates send your funnel 250 new opt ins.

    And if your sales funnel is converting at 5%, so 12.50 new people sign up for your $97 membership. 

  • 10 Ways to Market Your Digital Products & Online Courses in 2022 [Part 2]

    10 Ideas to Help You Serve More People By Selling More Products!

    If you have an amazing digital product, such as an ebook, a mini-training, templates, digital planners, online courses or an online membership, you’ll want to read through this blog post for the helpful tips and strategies I am sharing!

    [Click here for Part 1!]

    Below is part 2 where I’m diving into ways 6 – 10 on how to market your digital products or online courses PLUS some resources that go along with each suggestion. 

    Let me know which marketing tip you’ll be trying out!

    6. Work with Affiliate Partners

    You probably already assumed I was going to say this (I mean, this is, after all).  Y’all know my favorite way to make more sales of your digital products or online course is to work with affiliates.

    When you partner with an affiliate, you can leverage their audience to grow your own list which will lead to more sales of your digital product or online course.

    Instead of having your affiliates promote your digital program or course directly, I suggest  having your affiliates promote your free offer so that you can get their people onto your list, warm them up with your amazing content, and then pitch your product or course to them after you’ve shown them that they need it through your sales funnel..

    In order to do this, you need to get your affiliate tracking software set up.

  • 10 Ways to Market Your Digital Products & Online Courses in 2022 [Part 1]

    10 Ideas to Help You Serve More People By Selling More Products!

    If you have an amazing digital product, such as an ebook, a mini-training, templates, digital planners, online courses or an online membership, you’ll want to read through this blog post for the helpful tips and strategies I am sharing!

    This is part 1 where I’m diving into 5 different ways to market your digital products or online courses PLUS some resources that go along with each suggestion. 

    Let me know which marketing tip you’ll be trying out!

    1. Do a Freebie Swap!

    If you have someone that has a similar audience to your audience, you should consider doing a freebie swap in order to grow your email list and bring people into your world that way you can serve them and then sell them. 🙂

    The way this works is you each agree to email your list with an email promoting the other person’s free offer (aka your freebie!).  The purpose of this is that you each add new ideal audience members to your email list.

    When looking for someone to do a freebie swap with, you want to find someone who has a comparable audience size to yours so that it is “fair” for both of you. The reason for this is you may not want to promote to your list of 5000 people and only have your freebie promoted to someone’s list of 50 as the results won’t be that great for you. 😉 

    To make it easy for you to find someone to do a freebie swap with, here’s a little swipe copy you can use:

  • Grow Your Membership in 2022 by Working with Affiliates

    Want more members inside of your awesome membership program?

    Of course you do!

    One of the easiest ways to add new members into your membership is by having your current members become affiliates for you!  

    In case you’re new to what an affiliate is, an affiliate is someone who shares your work (or in this case, your membership) with their community using a unique tracking link. They receive an affiliate commission for anyone who signs up for your offer/membership through their link. 

    Working with affiliates has one of the highest ROIs because once you set up your affiliate program, you only pay your affiliates when they refer a “sale” aka new member to you.

    Your current members make the best affiliates for your membership for two main reasons:

    1. They already know, like and trust you so would more than likely happily affiliate for you; receiving the commission would just be the cherry on top!
    2. They can share about your membership from personal experience – so their “marketing” of your membership comes from a really authentic and genuine place.

    If you’re ready to work with affiliates to grow your membership, let’s walk through what you need to do to begin your affiliate program:

    Set Up Your Tech

    The first step to working with affiliates is to make sure that you have your affiliate tracking set up.

    The good news is, if you have your membership set up already, chances are you already have the tech you need for your affiliate program!

    Most of the major course platforms (Teachable, Kajabi, MemberVault, etc) offer affiliate capabilities.  You’ll want to check your account directly.

    If your membership site platform doesn’t offer affiliate capabilities, not to worry. There are some great affiliate options out there, such as LeadDyno and WP Affiliate. (I cover more affiliate options inside of my free guide here.)

    One of the most common Qs I see in the membership space is How much should I pay my affiliates?”

    On a recurring membership, I recommend 20% – 25%.  Of course, there is no right or wrong answer here, but that commission rate is pretty standard for membership site owners.

    What to Provide Your Affiliates

    Once you’ve set up your affiliate program tech, you want to gather up the promo materials you want to provide your members who will sign up to be an affiliate for you.  

    Things you’ll want to provide your affiliates:

  • Coaches: Work with Affiliates to Grow Your Business in 2022

    Here at Create Your Affiliate Program, I’m always sharing with course creators and membership site creators the benefits of creating an affiliate program:

    Did you know that this same information applies to coaches, too?

    It’s true… Coaches can also grow their coaching practices by working with affiliates!

    • You can gain more visibility quickly as a leading coach in your industry without having to constantly post on social media.
    • You can grow your email list with new leads who could be ideal potential clients without spending money on ads
    • And you can make more sales of your group programs or 1:on:1 coaching services by partnering with affiliates.

    As a coach, you can work with affiliates…

    … Even if you only work with clients 1:on:1.

    … Even if you work with clients in small group programs.

    … Even if you haven’t had your first coaching client, yet!

    Here are a few common questions I get from coaches who are considering working with affiliates:

    Q: It feels out of integrity for someone to sell my coaching containers if they haven’t been through them.  So, who would be my affiliate partners?

    I always say that your best affiliates are your current or past clients. So, start there. If they are working with you and you have provided them with great results, chances are they are already sharing your work with their communities or friends. By setting them up as an affiliate, you are giving them an extra incentive {usually monetary!} to promote your work.
