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course creators + product sellers

Sell More of Your Courses & Products Every Month by Working with Affiliates…

No Live Launching or Facebook Ads Needed!

Is this you?

You have an amazing course, product or membership but you’re not making consistent monthly sales with it, yet

You don’t want to be tied to your phone or computer 24/7 trying to create awkward as heck Reels and TikToks to sell your course…

You don’t want to do time-consuming and super stressful live launches, but you do want the income they generate…

You don’t want to waste money trying to figure out Facebook ads, but you need some sort of strategy to bring in more buyers!

The strategy that will make you more sales?

Working with Affiliates!

Amy Porterfield, Marie Forleo, Stu McClaren, Carrie Green… All the big name Course Creators + Product Sellers have an affiliate program.


Because they know working with affiliates has one of the highest ROI’s in marketing and is one of the fastest ways to make more sales without needing to spend lots of money on social ads.

My friend, you don't have to wait until you are a "big name" to start being successful with affiliates!

Affiliate Programs aren’t just for the “big names” in your industry… they are for you, too!

But maybe you’re feeling stuck, overwhelmed or unsure of what an affiliate program even is.  

Let’s make sure we are on the same page: 

An affiliate is someone who shares you and your work with their community in exchange for a commission payment for anyone who signs up for your offer through their unique affiliate link.  

An affiliate program is what you put in place to make sure that your affiliates are well taken care of so that you can make it a profitable collaboration for both you and the affiliate.  Your affiliate program includes all of the tech set up, email communication and affiliate on-boarding pieces that you will need to have in place in order to run a successful and profitable affiliate program. 

Simply put: If you have an online course, product or membership and have successfully sold it yourself, you need to create an affiliate program!


Because affiliate programs are a WIN-WIN for everyone involved! 

It’s win for you because you get your business in front of new people who need what you offer without having to spend hundreds or thousands on social ads….

And it’s a win for your affiliates because they get to make money sharing your awesome online course with their people who need what you’re offering!

Creating an affiliate program is one of the fastest ways to gain more visibility, grow your list quickly with new leads and make more sales in your online business by leveraging someone else’s audience without spending tons of money on ads

I find that a lot of course creators I work with want to sell more of their courses, but they’ve tried live launching {or have at least thought about launching} and know that strategy just isn’t the right fit for them.

And while running Facebook ads is one way to sell your course, it can be a very costly way to sell it while you try to figure out what ads convert.

So if you’ve tried live launching and it’s just not for you, and you’ve been looking for another way, I want you to know this: 

Working with affiliates is one of the best ways to sell more of your courses and products *without* needing a big fancy launch strategy or paid ads!

The problem is… there’s something that stops most course creators & product sellers from getting started with an affiliate program.. 

They don’t know where to begin setting up their affiliate program… 

… or they get super overwhelmed with all of the tech pieces that go into creating one. 

And then once they do set up the tech? 

They have no idea what to say to potential affiliates when reaching out to get them to promote their products or courses. 

Well, I’m here to share that it does NOT have to be difficult or time consuming to set up your affiliate program... And I want to work with you one-on-one to set yours up!


The 5-Step System to Create Your Profitable Affiliate Program So You Can Sell More of Your Offers Every Month without running paid ads or live launching!

As a course creator or product seller, I know you want to experience more FREEDOM in your business. 

Freedom to go on trips and stay at the nice hotels and eat at all the delicious restaurants. 

Freedom to walk into Target and buy anything YOU want, just because, and without worrying that you spent too much.

Freedom to build up a nice savings account to have some financial security in an ever-changing economy. 

Selling more of your courses is what will allow you to have the kind of freedom you desire.

And I want to show you how to sell more of your offers by working with affiliates!

Imagine having access to everything needed for your affiliate program to be fully set up and optimized so you can begin to gain massive visibility for your brand, grow your email list with warm new leads ready to buy your products and courses, and make more sales working with your ideal affiliate partners?

You don’t have to try to figure it all on your own or pay someone else thousands of dollars to do it for you.

You can join today and get instant access to everything needed to set up your PROFITABLE affiliate program so that you can DOUBLE your sales, month after month!

Here’s the thing… 

I know you want to make more sales in your business and want to work with affiliates to do this.  That’s why you’re reading this page, and that’s where I come in. 

With these materials and my endless enthusiasm for learning about the newest tools and strategies around creating a profitable affiliate program, you’ll be fully guided through each step needed to create a profitable affiliate program. 

This is a 5 module implementation course where you and I will be setting up your affiliate program together in a group settings.

The Make More Together Program
includes access to...


Set Up Your Tech

You’ll start with selecting the tech set up option best for your specific business (and based on your current tech stack).  

As part of this module, you’ll book your private 45 minute 1-on-1 call where you and I will walk through setting up your tech or reviewing your current tech set up together to make sure it’s fully optimized for your affiliate program.  (If you’re not a techy person, NO WORRIES! I’ll be walking you through it. I promise you can do this!)

You will finish Module 1 with your Affiliate Program tech entirely set up.


Create Your Promo Materials

You’ll have access to everything needed to create your affiliate program materials, and I’ll review your materials and give you feedback!  

I’ll be giving you a PDF List of everything you need to provide your affiliates so your affiliates can successfully promote your freebie opt in and course for you.

You’re also getting access to the Affiliate Program Promo Packet {value $17} to create a custom packet for your affiliate program.

Once this module is complete, you’ll be able to get feedback on your specific promo materials inside of our private facebook community {and I’ll be chiming in to each post!}

You will finish Module 2 with all of your Affiliate Promo materials created!


Write Your Welcome Sequence

We’ll create + automate your affiliate welcome sequence (also known as your onboarding sequence).

I will provide you the Profitable Affiliate Program Templates (Value $97) and you will get down to work writing out your affiliate onboarding funnel emails.

Once you’ve got your welcome sequence put together, you’ll be able to get feedback on your onboarding emails inside of our private facebook community {and you bet I’ll be chiming in with my feedback on your set up, too!}

You will finish Module 3 with your Profitable Affiliate Welcome Sequence created!


Create Your Affiliate Outreach Plan

Next you’re going to create your Profitable Affiliate Partner Connection Plan!  

I’ll teach you exactly who makes dream affiliate partners and you’ll craft a list of who your potential affiliates are.  You will also craft your affiliate reach out plan, and you’ll begin your affiliate reach out so that you can start making money with affiliates ASAP!

You will finish Module 4 with your first Affiliate invitations being sent!


Implement Your Affiliate Program + Best Next Steps

With Modules 1 – 4, you’ve set up your profitable affiliate program. Now what? A training to discuss next steps & best practices so that your affiliate program can be as profitable as possible!.  

This training will include next steps for creating your monthly affiliate reach out plan as well as your plan for taking care of your existing affiliates.

You will finish Module 5 with your Profitable Affiliate Program completely in place and knowing the exact steps to take to manage it each month!

"I never would have gotten my affiliate program up and running without Kelly's help! Sure, I could have spent months Googling and trying to figure things out, but I still wouldn't have the knowledge and confidence I got from The Make More Together Kit.

Kelly walked me through creating promo materials, making my affiliate team feel like VIPs, and reaching out to quality affiliates who can promote my business. Thanks to her, my affiliate team now has everything they need to make some extra passive income and help grow my biz!"
Becky Moffitt
The Organized CEO


Access to a BONUS Workshop Training + Templates: Products + JV Partnerships

When you join today, you’ll also get BONUS access to my workshop on how to set up a JV Partnership system to start selling more of your digital or physical products in just 5 days by working with a JV partners!  This workshop will show you how to have your JV affiliate partner promote your offer over the course of 5 days, for a quick and potentially major cash injection into your business!  

($297 value)

Get Instant Access to the Entire Program Today!

A 5 Module Program to
Create Your Profitable Affiliate Program

pay in full


Or 5 Monthly Payments of $99

"I never would have gotten my affiliate program up and running without Kelly's help! Sure, I could have spent months Googling and trying to figure things out, but I still wouldn't have the knowledge and confidence I got from The Make More Together Kit.

Kelly walked me through creating promo materials, making my affiliate team feel like VIPs, and reaching out to quality affiliates who can promote my business. Thanks to her, my affiliate team now has everything they need to make some extra passive income and help grow my biz!"
Becky Moffitt
The Organized CEO



My client Lila made $3000 working with affiliates during her launch!

I had a client, Lila, that launched her $347 online course twice a year. 

She decided she’d like would like to have past students affiliate for her, so we reached out to a small group of women who had already taken her online course in the past to see if they would like to be an affiliate.  Eight women agreed to be an affiliate (a small number, but as you’ll see… small can be mighty!) and they would each receive 50% commissions for any sales referred.

Once the affiliates agreed to participate, we sent them through my clients onboarding process that included giving them their unique affiliate link and their affiliate promo materials, as well as making sure they felt fully supported.

The results?

These 8 affiliates referred a total of 17 new buyers to my client’s course within a 7 day time frame! 

17 new sales = $5899 in sales

My client kept $2,949 of the sales.

The affiliates in total received $2,949 (50 percent in commission).

This affiliate program my client has in place is a win/win for all involved:  

A win for my client who made almost $3,000, a win for the affiliates who made almost $3,000 total and a win for the women who get to experience the client’s program.

What would an extra $3000+ dollars in sales mean for your business?

Making more sales of your online course or products working with affiliates is totally possible!

So, what’s standing in the way of you selling more of your digital courses or products by leveraging the power of affiliates?

If it’s setting up the tech pieces, or creating the promo materials and an awesome affiliate onboarding process, I’ve got you!

Inside this 5-module kit, I’m going to be there with you every step of the way to create your affiliate program.  

Even if you aren’t techy, that doesn’t matter – we’ll be having a one-on-one session together where I am going to walk you through exactly what to do to get your tech set up!

When you click the “Yes, I want this!” button below, you’ll be brought to a checkout page where you can enter in your payment information directly. 

You don’t want to miss this opportunity, so go ahead and jump in today if you’re ready to make more sales in your online business in 2022!

Have we met?

I'm Kelly Morrison.

Here at CYAP, I show digital product and course creators how to create a profitable affiliate program that helps them make more income and more impact by leveraging the power of affiliates.

My passion has always been supporting my clients with their online tasks, and these days my primary focus is on helping entrepreneurs with creating amazing affiliate programs so that they can make more leads, make more income, and deliver exceptional experiences to their clients.  

I’ve been lucky enough to be a part of 6 and 7 figure launches for some of the most amazing online business owners, and love being an instrumental part of my client’s success.

I would love to support you in creating you very own profitable affiliate program so you can make more sales in 2022!

You’ve got Qs… I’ve got A’s!

You don’t need to be! As part of the program, you’re getting access to a one-on-one call with yours truly where I’ll be supporting you in setting up your tech!  

You get immediate access once you purchase!

Absolutely! You can share your unique login details with your team member!

Due the digital nature of the materials and the one-on-one call access, once you purchase, no refunds are given. However, I want you to be totally happy with the program and as part of this product, you get access to a private facebook group where I’ll be answering any Qs that come up for you as you work your way through the 5 modules!