November is here, which means the holidays aren’t far behind.
For some people, it feels like it’s too late in the year to reach the revenue goals you set for your product business.
I’ve been seeing people say things on Insta and Threads like:
- I can’t compete with Amazon.
- People are only paying attention to the election and then it’s going to be chaos depending on who wins.
- No one is spending money on $28 candles when they can barely afford to go to the grocery store.
But there are still 56 days left in 2024 as of today.
And that’s still plenty of time to make more product sales.
Because here’s what I believe:
🤓 No, you can’t compete with Amazon. But that’s a good thing. Amazon doesn’t build relationships with its customers the same way you can on Instagram. Amazon doesn’t take the time to beautifully gift wrap the item someone purchased and include a personalized thank you card from the person who created it. You can’t compete with Jeff Bezos, so don’t even worry about it. Stay in your lane, create amazing products, and delivery exceptional customer service. {I love and recommend this book for all my product seller friends.)
🤪 Yes, people are paying attention to the election, and yes, things might be chaotic for a while. But the holidays are still going to happen. Think about it… has there ever been a year when people didn’t buy Christmas gifts? Not that I can remember. So don’t stop marketing your products now.
😍 People will absolutely still buy your $28 candle (or whatever you’re selling that you think is “too expensive” for people to buy} even if bread costs eleventy billion dollars. Christmas is happening regardless of what’s going in the world, which means gift buying will still be happening. As a product seller, you’ll want to make sure that you are getting your products in front of as many people as possible this Christmas. Facebook ads is one way to do that (but can be costly this time of year) and participating in in-person markets is another way to make more sales (though it requires a lot of your time). My favorite way of course is starting an affiliate program so you can get other people sharing your products all across the internet this holiday season.
I know you have amazing products. Don’t let what’s going on in the world discourage you from marketing your business these last 2 months of 2024.
Cheers to more sales in 2024 (and also cheers to the election texts and calls ending today! 😂)