I’d love to help you make more product sales this month, so I’m sharing with you a few tips and resources in this post that I hope will get you into action this month so you can increase your product sales!

Are you up for the challenge?  Keep reading!

šŸ“ Draft 10 Pitches to Send Potential Affiliate Partners

I challenge you to research 10 potential affiliates this month and send them an email asking them to be your affiliate partner.

Some people you pitch might say no, but none of them can say YES if you donā€™t pitch them at all. šŸ˜Š

If you need some support writing your pitches, I’ve got a template that will help you. You can scoop it up here for just $9.

I promise itā€™s going to make pitching your affiliates so much easier, so get to crafting those pitches asap!

Invitation to Send Potential Affiliates Template

One of the quickest and most efficient ways to grow your list, promote your services and products, and make more sales is to partner with affiliates to help spread the word about what you’re offering.  The Invitation to Send Potential Affiliates Template is the exact template you need for pitching new affiliate partners!

šŸ“…Ā When to Send Your Pitches to Potential Affiliates

Now, letā€™s talk about when to actually send your pitches to potential affiliates.

I am the affiliate manager for 4 nationwide brands here in the US, and one of the things I do for each of them every single week is pitch new affiliates on their behalf.Ā  I useĀ this same templateĀ when pitching – thatā€™s how I know it works!

I recommend sending your pitches on Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursdays only.Ā Ā 

Why?Ā  Because on Monday people are coming back to their desks and their inboxes are full from the weekend and they are thinking about everything they have to do that week.Ā Ā 

On Fridays, people are busy thinking about the weekend and just trying to clear their inboxes and wrap up their work week as quickly as possible, so they may not take the time to read your pitch and give it their full consideration.

Tuesday – Thursdays, in my own experiencing of pitching 100ā€™s of affiliates, is more ideal timing, and the days of the week my pitches are more likely to be well received.

šŸ¤“Ā What to do once a potential affiliate says YES

The #1 mistake I see people who have an affiliate program make is that they are just giving their affiliates an affiliate link and hoping theyā€™ll share it with their communities.

As you might have heard me say before, hope is not a very good affiliate marketing strategy.

Instead ofĀ hopingĀ your affiliates share about your offering with their audience once they say yes to partnering with you, you need to set your affiliates up for success.Ā Ā 

How do you do that?

šŸ’ŒĀ Create a welcome email sequence for your affiliates!

This welcome sequence is a series of emails you send your affiliates to make sure they have and can find everything they need to share about your products with their community.

{Remember: The big key to success with affiliates is making it easy-peasy for them!}

Hereā€™s three main reasons you need this welcome series:

1ļøāƒ£Ā Set the Tone: Introduce your brand, share your values, and align expectations right from the start. This sets the stage for a profitable affiliate partnership.

2ļøāƒ£Ā Equip your affiliates: In this welcome series, you want to provide your affiliate partners with the knowledge and tools they need to succeed. Share tips, tutorials, and promotional materials to jumpstart their efforts.

3ļøāƒ£Ā Build Relationships: Use this welcome email series as an opportunity to connect on a personal level. Show appreciation, offer support, and foster a sense of community within your affiliate program.

šŸŒŸĀ Resource to Help You

To help you get your welcome emails for your affiliate program in place quickly so that your affiliates feel supported and part of a total win-win collaboration (one where youā€™re both making impact and money!), Iā€™ve put togetherĀ The Profitable Affiliate Program Template BundleĀ that will give you everything you need to set up your affiliate welcome sequence.

> > >Ā Use coupon codeĀ YAY50Ā toĀ get the templates for 50% Off!

The Profitable Affiliate Program Template Bundle

To help you get your welcome emails for your affiliate program in place quickly so that your affiliates feel supported and part of a total win-win collaboration (one where you’re both making impact and money!), I’ve put together The Profitable Affiliate Program Template Bundle that will give you everything you need to set up your affiliate welcome sequence.